Cllr. Dee Simson and Cllr. Steve Bell

BH2021/03806 – 7 Deans Close


7th December 2021:

We are writing to support the many residents who have contacted us to object to the

demolition of the existing dwellinghouse and erection of 4no. two storey, 3no. bed

dwellinghouses (C3), with associated works at 7 Deans Close, Woodingdean.


There are several reasons for this objection.


This application has already contravened QD16 of Brighton & Hove’s Local Plan

that states “must seek to retain existing trees and hedgerow” by felling the trees

and clearing the land despite objections and concerns raised at the time by local

councillors and residents, thus devastating a site that was previously full of trees

and an important wildlife habitat,


This application is clearly an overdevelopment of the site. Deans Close is a small

close of approx. 21 properties, all of which are individual in design. A terrace of

houses, such as those proposed, would be out of keeping with the surrounding

area and have a detrimental effect on the street scene.


The proposed buildings would take up a large part of the site giving insufficient

amenity space for occupants thus contravening HO5 – “The planning authority will require the provision of private useable amenity space in new residential

development where appropriate to the scale and character of the development.


There will also be loss of amenity by overlooking of both 58a Crescent Drive North and the adjacent property at 8 Deans Close – contravening QD27


Additional traffic movements accessing the properties will cause loss of privacy and increased noise nuisance to other properties in this small quiet cul-de-sac. - also contravening QD27


Most importantly, any development of this size on this site would contravene QD18 – “Where it is evident that a proposal could directly or indirectly affect a species of animal or plant, or its habitat (including feeding, resting and breeding areas) protected under National legislation, European legislation or categorised as 'a declining breeder', 'endangered', 'extinct', 'rare' or 'vulnerable' in the British 'Red Data' books, permission will not be granted for any development, that would be liable to cause demonstrable harm to such species and their habitats.

This site is directly adjacent to a nature conservation area that protects and

enhances many wildlife species including badgers, foxes and hedgehogs many of

which would lose their natural runs and foraging areas.


We ask that you take all this into consideration when making your decision and

should you be minded to grant the application, request that the final decision be

taken by the Planning Committee following a site visit.